Sunday, February 12, 2017

Italian Pizza

            Originally, pizza was normally sized with typical proportions of cheese and tomatoes and it was not heaped with mountains of toppings. But then the Americans changed it. Now, the Domino's online order comes with an option for extra cheese as if the entire supply of Wisconsin is not enough. In fact, every single topping comes with an option for extra because what we have is never enough.


            At the end of the Domino’s pizza order you can pick your sides and your drink. Instead of going with just water or maybe even some juice, most people will go for the giant 2-liter well of their favorite sugary muck. Even better, they will go for the “diet” version because they want to start eating healthy, although that will only give them justification to go for another slice of that oversized pizza. The best part is that Americans will complain about going to their “holy-mouth-man” every year 
while on the drive back they will be shoveling Snicker’s bars down their greedy throats.

            Also, Americans seem to believe that their food is unique, that their culture shines through in their cuisine. However, they are blind to the fact that their food is just an amalgamation of the food of other cultures. When salsa and guacamole are far more popular than their bland counterparts of ketchup and mustard and when most people would rather take a taco over a boring peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Americans need to realize that it is not a terrible thing to embrace other cultures. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Shankar!

    I really liked how you showed American culture solely through cuisine, and how you showed how America adapts other culture's food to suit its own wants.
