Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Pepper

            I hear the sounds of chopping, mixing, and boiling; through the small crack of the fridge, I see her slaving away at the cutting board desperately trying to feed her hungry family. As I wait to be turned into a delicious stuffed pepper or a light pasta salad, I see her daughter learning the tricks of the trade; I do not know where her husband and son are. 

If not for their voices at the dinner table or their steps through the kitchen, it would be hard for me to figure out that they even existed. I wondered why on the days when she was sick or tired they decided to order a pizza or pick up some Chinese food. They depended on her to “cook their meals” every single day.

            I thought back to my mother who had once been an ingredient on a Gordon Ramsay special, my grandfather who had been in Jamie Oliver’s kitchen, and my brother who had been served in a Wolfgang Puck restaurant.

These places are Holy Grails for us peppers and I realized how much of a disappointment I actually was; I only ended up in some sad suburban kitchen that would never reach any fame. Of all the famed places my family had reached, the cooks always seemed to be a husband, father, or son; they were never the mothers or daughters I had grown accustomed to. I found this very strange because in a field where women are expected to know more than men, the very best, the crème de la crème, are mostly men. I have not come across a good justification for this sad fact and I do not think one exists. The cooking industry, both in the home and on the television, needs to change. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Fowl Play

It is truly disheartening to those, who walk through farms, or travel through nature, when they see the animal pens, sparsely filled with thin and sickly looking chickens who cannot even hope to feed the reasonable appetite of the average American. These chickens instead of being a good source of meat, are made to sit there and just look hungry.
            Surely it is agreed by every farmer that this plethora of poor chickens needs to be fed more in order to produce more meat for the consumer because these animals cannot fulfill their purpose in life. Also, the manner is which chickens are killed is very time-consuming and makes the poor farmer gaze into the chicken's eyes as they take its life.
Since there are only around 8 billion chickens in the U.S. and 300 million hungry Americans to feed, how can we expect everyone to get a decent amount of their favorite meat? This is not a fair distribution and the poor chicken is not able to feed as many mouths as it could.
My solution, if carried out, will make sure each American never has to feel peckish again, that the chickens will be extremely healthy, and that the process we use to kill chickens will be improved greatly.
I will now “humbly” propose my solution to this grave dilemma that faces our country today.
My friends in labs have developed this magical drug that they have assured me will make a normal chicken two times as big and that they will be a much healthier size. 
Doesn't he look so happy?

We do not yet know what else this drug will do to them, but that is no matter; as long as they grow it will be beneficial for everyone. Furthermore, because of their large size they will not be able to escape the farm because they will not be able to move which will make sure that they do not face danger in the wild. Also, in order to speed up the process with which they are killed, we will drop them in a machine with hooks that will simply grab them and give them one simple cut to end their life. This is much better than the other long process and it frees up the farmer’s time to attend to more important matters.

I hope the agricultural community will take my suggestion into consideration and possibly reform the chicken industry both for their sake and ours.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Italian Pizza

            Originally, pizza was normally sized with typical proportions of cheese and tomatoes and it was not heaped with mountains of toppings. But then the Americans changed it. Now, the Domino's online order comes with an option for extra cheese as if the entire supply of Wisconsin is not enough. In fact, every single topping comes with an option for extra because what we have is never enough.


            At the end of the Domino’s pizza order you can pick your sides and your drink. Instead of going with just water or maybe even some juice, most people will go for the giant 2-liter well of their favorite sugary muck. Even better, they will go for the “diet” version because they want to start eating healthy, although that will only give them justification to go for another slice of that oversized pizza. The best part is that Americans will complain about going to their “holy-mouth-man” every year 
while on the drive back they will be shoveling Snicker’s bars down their greedy throats.

            Also, Americans seem to believe that their food is unique, that their culture shines through in their cuisine. However, they are blind to the fact that their food is just an amalgamation of the food of other cultures. When salsa and guacamole are far more popular than their bland counterparts of ketchup and mustard and when most people would rather take a taco over a boring peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Americans need to realize that it is not a terrible thing to embrace other cultures. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Life of a Lobster

I was just sitting there all alone. All of my other friends had already left, gallivanting off with some guy who did not want me. Then, from across the room a man pointed at me; I was scared, and I felt like an object to him - not something that was alive and breathing. I had heard the stories about what happens when a stranger approaches you, picks you up, and takes you home.  I could hope that maybe he would be a nice guy, but I knew that in the end they all had the same motives. The man came up and paid for me and I was removed from my safe tank and put into a small bag. I resigned myself to the fact that this man did not care about where I came from or even what my name was (it’s Larry by the way).

            I could hear laughter and there was a sense of impending doom that came over me as I realized it was close to the end. As they set me down, I heard a bubbling noise and when I looked down I saw boiling water. In that instant, I knew that I had come to death’s door. In that instant, I thought about how my whole life I was kept for show and how I had never experienced true freedom. In that instant, I knew that the humans did not care for my pain; they only cared about their "pleasure." In that instant, I realized the worst of humanity was out to get me. Their guiltless greed and lack of compassion towards me is what ended my short life. In the future, I hope that my people will not just be seen as pieces of meat ready for eating, but rather animals with real thoughts and feelings.