Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Tasty Slice of Buffalo

          I was lying on a table pretty relaxed when suddenly I heard the chief stumble in. Uh-oh. I knew it was about time for me to be cut up and eaten by all the members of the tribe. I was a tasty slice of buffalo and I was on the menu.


          First, as always, the tribe leaders began playing one of their gambling games which meant they all needed their large amounts of alcohol. I decided to tune out their broken and slurred English because how could they possibly have anything important to say. After I became bored, I decided to start paying attention to their conversation. They were mentioning something about a pipeline and how the government was trying to build it across their lands and ruin the water supply. I thought about my poor buffalo brothers and sisters who would be displaced by this atrocity and I was so mad at the American government for doing this to us. How could I be proud of the country that I’ve been roaming since I was a baby bison, how could I be a patriot when the rights of my own people were being trampled upon. How could this country, the “land of the free, home of the brave” (Vowell) take away my most precious right? Wait. Imagine how the Native Americans feel about this. I’ve been brainwashed by this country into thinking that all Native Americans are drinkers, gamblers, and uneducated. These stereotypes have been so ingrained in my head that I didn’t stop to question whether or not they are true.  I didn’t even stop to consider their feelings about the pipeline and instead I only jumped to my own. The white man who oppresses the Indians is in a way exactly like me. He would never think about them and instead only think about himself. And if what they say is true,

            Are we all equal?


  1. Hi Shankar,

    Before you get eaten, I like to say that i really like how you took the perspective of a buffalo instead of Native Americans. I guess if buffaloes and Native Americans had something in common, it would be their hatred for the American government. Also, how do you allow yourself to get captured by "drinkers, gamblers, and the uneducated"? ;)

  2. I had to laugh when you unexpectedly transitioned from a sad, about to die, buffalo into his contextually appropriate thoughts on his own buffalo patriotism. I love this dry, serious humor! Great work and keep up these interesting perspectives :)

  3. Hey Shankar! I love the conversational tone you used to address a serious problem. It's a subtle way of delivering a deep message. I can't help but wonder what perspective you will take on next week...

  4. I love the unique perspective you have! Even though you were speaking from a non-human standpoint, you were able to convey such a thought-provoking message.
    Excited to see what you write about next!

  5. Hey Shankar!

    I love your once again unique perspective you took in this post. I liked how you transitioned from the worry of being eaten to the serious issue of patriotism and stereotyping. I love how you use such a narrative tone to talk about the serious issues that are faced in the world today. I am looking forward to see what unique perspective you will take on next week!

    I love reading your posts and I love these perspectives you are speaking from! I especially liked how you were using a conversational tone although this is a serious issue of patriotism. I am excited to see your next post!

  7. The theme of your blog makes for some super unique posts. Even though your posts aren't based off the typical blog post setup they still manage to make really intriguing points.

  8. Wow Shankar!
    I absolutely loved seeing how, even from the perspective of buffalo, you're able to convey such an intriguing message. Look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
