Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Banana

No matter how many times you are told, you never listen. Never. For 5 minutes you may consider changing your habits but then you realize that might involve work and active thought and you decide against it. If you will not listen to renowned scientists and the environmentalists that are consistently antagonized, maybe you will listen to me. Yes, you who elect officials in the pocket of the logging industry that wishes to turn my homeland into a barren “desert”, chopping down my brothers and sisters like slicing through butter. 

You who carry around your didactic cloth bag because you are trying to “go green” while you simultaneously drink out of your plastic water bottle.

You, whose selfish act of buying that gas guzzling car just because it makes you look cool in front of your friends will cause generational change that you have never even considered. 

You are all guilty of this. Sure, once in a while you may enter into a phase of environmental fervor, but that is all it is – a phase. It will always fade into the background as more important things come up; let them chop down the trees you say as long as that new shoe store gets built in its place. You may form twisted justifications for the behavior of your species, but as always your fatal flaw is shortsightedness. You fail to open your eyes and look at the big picture. That shoe store will be long gone in a thousand years, and at the rate you are going, so will this planet. As the rainforests dwindle, the ice caps melt, and temperatures rise, I ask you to just consider your actions more carefully in order to preserve the planet for all of us. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I like your use of diction like "didactic" and "guzzling"- great style!
    Also, nice analogy!
